Market Yo'self: A Guide On How To Make The People Who Matter Remember Who You Is
Dear Friends: I am about to tell you the single-most disturbing thing you may discover on your journey towards becoming a professional actor.... Your talent means nothing if you can't market yourself. A lot of people find this out the hard way; they graduate from university with a degree in theatre or they close a show, and what do they do? Nothing. They wait for Nina Gold to come over and knock down their door. And, of course, Ms. Gold has far better things to do (no offense.) Truth be told, the ability to be your own manager is just as important as being able to perform a monologue, and I'm going to tell you how to start. 1: Go To The Theatre Conferences, Forums, Networking Events, etc. As unpleasant as it may sound, you have to meet people and get them to at least know that you're out there. I don't expect you to march down to a Broadway level convention, but a regional theatre? You damn well can. Build a rapport with the people of the smaller theatres and you...