It's 2018, Peeps...

Soooo, 2018. To be totally honest, I couldn't even imagine getting there (I still feel like 2010 was only a couple years ago, and not almost ten!!). I started the year off in the best way ever- watching Into the Woods with my cat and a glass of Chardonnay (because, by some sick twist of fate, all my friends were (a) out of town, or (b) forgot I existed... but Que Sera Sera... I will always insist that this was a personal choice). But, in all fairness, this isn't too bad a way to end/begin the year. I had the opportunity to reflect on some amazing times, shows, people, etc., figure out what I was going to do with the new year, and lurk on Facebook... and something interesting caught my eye. It was a FB post of which, for the life of me, I can't remember the source, that essentially said this: "You have 365 pages in 2018, and you can choose how you want to fill them." I hadn't thought about a year that way. And this little blip on my timeline got me thinking about my resolution (which I never decide until the last second, and usually break a week into January), and this is what I came up with: "I am going to choose how I play out my year, and do what is best for me." Obviously I can't choose the events the cosmos throws into my path, but I sure as hell can choose (to a certain extent) how I deal with them.
And I think this is a good way to look at life. Go out of your way to what you can for others, but in the end, you have to do what is right for you because it's your story that you're writing. If I had thought about this the last couple years, I would have avoided a lot of heartbreak (and vodka, and sad songs, and chocolate chip cookie dough, and explaining why I was sitting in my bathtub with all the above at 2am... we all have our way of dealing w/ stuff, okay??). So here's looking at you 2018... may you not suck, and may we all write our own stories this year!!!

And now, for your reading pleasure, I have included my other less profound resolutions and goals. Please feel free to adopt them as your own if you can relate:

1) Cut down on tea... It breaks my heart, but I literally drink more tea than water. Yikes. I can tell you already, this will only last until the tech week of my next show.

2) Try to go to the movies more, or something. Movies always get me out of whatever rut I'm in (unless it's a really bad movie, in which case, I feel worse).

3) Take adventures. By myself. Just for the day. I'm a huuuuuge believer in Holly Golightly's philosophy to celebrate life by trying something you've never done before. I recommend it to everyone who wants to celebrate- in fact, I just told a good friend to do it for his birthday. It works wonders, and I'm going to do it more often.

That's all I can remember for now (there were about fifty others), but here's wishing you a very lovely, belated Happy New Year! xxoo
