F*** You Theatrical Politics

So I recently moved to another country and I've been trying to get in on the theatre scene (You can read more here)... This has been interesting and I've been on a LOT of auditions, but I finally got a callback. All in all, I spent about 7hrs actively auditioning for this company plus more time studying the script. It went really well. And I didn't get the part. It went to a woman who's been with the group for 3yrs. Okay. Understandable. But fucking frustrating.

I'm writing this post to tell you all that sometimes you can put all your effort into an audition and you can kill it (at least, I thought I did, but idk.) So what can you do?

Well first, you can cry... I've done that before and it does kinda help... but more importantly, you should never. give. up... Ever. Eventually you'll get something. My acting teacher over here said that, as actors, we are living the lotto. You're just putting your name in the pot and hoping it'll get picked.  Talent helps, but sometimes the most talented person won't get it. It just wasn't your turn darling, but you've got this. Keep auditioning and go get them ;)
